There are many ceramic artists who create wonderful tea ware. We have had the good fortune to get to know some of them. It is their work that we will offer here at wholesale prices for the broader dealer market.
The tea ware market is flooded with inexpensive mass produced items that sell on the teashop shelf at very reasonable even 'cheap' prices. The ware we offer will be hand formed and decorated, and will be produced by highly skilled artists. Some of our artists, particularly those with international reputations, will be represented only on our Morning Earth Gallery on-line. Contact us for links to those artists. Morning Crane Tea ware is moderately priced high quality tea ware produced by highly skilled artists. We hope that you will find Morning Crane Tea Ware a welcome addition to the tea ware world.
The background photo in our title is taken from a small part of our collection. That title will change from time to time. Please become part of the Morning Crane Tea Family by becoming a 'follower' of this blog. Your suggestions and comments are welcome.
Primarily we sell our items to businesses but will reserve some work for our blog Morning Crane Tea Ware Family members, also at discount prices.
Tea ware on this blog are items we offer or items we are considering. You are invited to share your opinions in both cases.
Join us also on our main blog Morning Crane Tea where we introduce individual tea ware artists, some of whom we represent as their international agent and who's work is seen on the Morning Earth Gallery on-line.